What is IT infrastructure? – What are the Components of IT infrastructure

Global IT Solution Provider            What is IT infrastructure? – Components of IT infrastructure IT infrastructure An IT (Information technology) Infrastructure is the foundation or framework that supports IT system of an organization. IT infrastructure are the components required to operate and  manage  enterprise IT environments. These components include: software, hardware , networking components , operating system, and data storage, all of which are used to deliver IT services and solutions. Components of IT infrastructure                                                               Hardware In the components of an IT infrastructure, the hardware play a vital role in IT infrastructure, Hardware includes servers, data centers, personal computers and other type of hardware devices and equipment. 1. Servers A  server  is a type of software program or hardware device that accepts and responds to requests made over a network. The server commonly re

What are Network Devices – Different types of Network Devices

                              Network Devices –  Types of Network Devices

Network Devices

The Network Devices are electronic devices which are used for data communication and interaction between devices on a computer network, these devices are also known as networking equipment or computer networking devices. Networking devices may include routers, firewalls, switches, hubs, network bridges, modems, wireless access points and repeaters etc.


1. Switches

The Switches provide a main role in network devices, it allow devices to communicate with each other on your network, it acts as a controller, creating a connection between computers, printers to a network. Cisco Network provides a variety of different type of series of switches for networking. Cisco play a vital role in every business network.

2. Routers

The Routers are also provide a main role in networking equipment or devices, it connects multiple networks with each other. The Routers are used to connect the number of computing devices on those networks to the Internet, so the routers play a vital role by interconnecting multiple devices within an enterprise network in networking.

3. Hubs

A hub is also an important networking device also called a network hub, it is used as a connection point for devices in a network. A hub is basically a multiport repeater. Hubs are mostly used to connect segments of a LAN (Local Area Network), when a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports as well. With this type of feature every segment of the LAN can see all packets in a network.

Types of Hub

Active Hub: An active hub (a multiport repeater) is a type of hub which work as a central connecting device that regenerates, boast, filter and relay the signals on the output side to keep the signal strong in a network. This type of hub have their own PSU (power supply unit). The active type of hub serves both as a multiport repeater also have their own cable wire storage compartment.
Passive Hub: A type of hub which work as a central connecting device that relay signals without boasting and filtering the signals, collecting and joining wires from nodes and receiving PSU (power supply unit) from active hub.

4. Bridges

A bridge is a type of connectivity device in networking equipment and devices that forwards data based on a physical address, it is also used for interconnecting two LANs working on the same protocol. Bridges operate at the Network Access Layer in the TCP/IP protocol stack.  A bridge also serve as a repeater, provide functions of filtering content by reading the MAC addresses of source and destination.

Type of Bridges

Transparent Bridges: A type of bridge that observes incoming network traffic to identify the MAC (media access control) addresses. In these type of bridges in which stations are unaware of the existence of bridges. The transparent bridges operate in a way of transparent to all the connected hosts in network.
Source Routing BridgesSource routing bridges are also a type of bridges which are used to make connection between pairs of nodes. The routing operations are performed by source station and the frame specifies which route to follow in source routing bridges.

5. Firewalls

firewall is also a main networking device. A network security device which is used to monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or to block specific traffic, according to the set of rules of security set on him. A firewall protects your network or computer from hackers or other different types of security threat. A firewall can be a type of software program or hardware device for your network.

6. Access Points

An access point is also a type of networking device that creates a WLAN (wireless local area network) for your business network, this type of networking device is used in wireless Ethernet networks in place of an Ethernet switch. The access points are also provide bridging functions between wireless Ethernet hosts and wired Ethernet points, it also can connect with a wired type of router, switch or hub with the use of an Ethernet cable. 

7. Repeaters

The Repeaters are also a networking device that regenerate signals, this type of networking device are used to regenerate loss, weak or corrupted signals. A repeater operates at the physical layer in the network. The repeaters provide the advantage to regenerate weak or corrupted signals to their original strength rather than amplify the signals.
